Friday, 20 February 2015

Surviving half term - part 5

We are back at home; in time for  a final relaxing evening before the PE kits washing, bedroom tidying, home learning and book marking of standard Sunday panic, amplified by the illusion of having had a week off. 

My parents are the most supportive, and often look after the children during the holidays, but they have been poorly, so asked us to visit.  They have never really asked us for anything, not even a swift repayment of the thousands of pounds we owe them, and unsurprisingly, I felt obliged.  With no car, we travelled on the train, so travelled comparatively light.  

My father finds it hard to imagine why anyone would want to travel on the train when they own a perfectly good car (which clearly I do not), and was almost insistent on driving me home.

"Don't be daft, I have cheap train tickets, it is cheaper than the diesel, even the way you drive dad, you couldn't get it cheaper.  And you'd have to do both ways."
"I'd drive you early on Saturday."
"I can read my book on the train, the children can walk about."
"The car needs a run, It hasn't had a long journey this month.  It needs a long run."
"It's a new car.  Missing one long run in its first six months will be fine."

It was a hard sell, in the end he dropped us at a station further south and no doubt had to sit on the M6 for 2 hours.

I forgot my cardigan, I meant to pack it, couldn't wear it under my coat, bag was a bit full.  I always forget what the weather is like.  I always forget it rains, all the time.  I always forget that it is SO COLD in their house because they NEVER turn the heating on.  But then that is why I owe them thousands of pounds.  

So I had to borrow my dad's cardigan.  

But I spent no money today, except a real coffee at the station because coffee shops are another indulgent reason my parents have lots of money and I have none.

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