Monday, 10 October 2016

I guess we're not moving to America then.

I am not sure that I am a huge fan of American politics at the best of times, but I don't think I can even bear to waste half a blog on everything I hate about Donald Trump.  The kids say "trump" when they mean "fart", so every single time he is mentioned on the radio, hilarity breaks out.  Until recently, I felt the same when I looked at his peculiar potato face and listened to the random rantings that seemed to be spouted by some sort of American equivalent of the red-faced piss head at the bar who starts every sentence with "I'm not racist but..".

However, I can't quite let go of the latest scandal of his "locker-room talk", as he referred to his discussion of grabbing women by the "pussy" amongst other degrading comments.  Then he repeated it. Again.  As if that means we can agree with him.  The strength of his defence appeared to rest upon attacking Bill Clinton for acting on those urges.  Are we supposed to believe that Trump only looked and didn't touch?  Or is he admitting to being all mouth and no trousers?

So much seems to be wrong with those comments that I don't know where to start. Some people think that the Republicans' campaign will not be damaged by the attitude expressed by its presidential candidate.  I am sure that they couldn't admit it.  But most people do not speak like that.  Not just my middle class, middle aged, politically correct friends. Most people do not use words like that about the opposite sex.  Most women do not, but most men do not also.  And not just my middle class, middle aged, politically correct male friends, but most of the normal men that I don't know that well.  People like Donald Trump have lived for so long in a bubble of his own creation, surrounding themselves with yes men and compliant (paid) women, that they probably, actually believe their own  hype.

I was reminded of Ron Atkinson's use of the "n" word in 2004 to negatively describe a player when he believed that the cameras were off.  He resigned, straight away, as far as I can remember, but still claimed it was "a mistake".  Even in the olden days of 2004, I did not and still do not know anyone who speaks like that. You didn't hear that word in those days, even from people of our parents' age. Most people did not speak like that.

So stop reminding us of the apparent (masculine) context of the words you used, Trump, you were not in the "locker room".  You were not even with a best friend, you were with an interviewer to whom you wanted to show off, and most people do not speak like that about women.  Apart from anything else, this should finally lay to rest the myth that he is a man of the people.  The essence of his statements were that women did this because he is famous.  Most people can not make those claims.

Oh and one last thing, funny name man.  No one cares about Bill Clinton any more.  He's not standing.  His wife made the decision all by herself.  She can do that.